George I Want to Live Again

Male monarch of Corking Great britain and Republic of ireland (r. 1714–27), Elector of Hanover (r. 1698–1727)

George I
George seated on the throne in the robes of the Order of the Garter

Portrait from the studio of Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1714

Rex of Bang-up Britain and Ireland


Reign ane August 1714 – 11 June 1727 [a]
Coronation 20 October 1714
Predecessor Anne
Successor George 2
Elector of Hanover
Reign 23 January 1698 – 11 June 1727 [a]
Predecessor Ernest Augustus
Successor George II
Born 28 May / vii June 1660 (O.Due south./N.S.)[a]
Hanover, Brunswick-Lüneburg, Holy Roman Empire
Died 11/22 June 1727 (anile 67) (O.S./North.Due south.)
Schloss Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Holy Roman Empire
Burial 4 August 1727

Leineschloss, Hanover; afterward Herrenhausen, Hanover


Sophia Dorothea of Celle

(m. 1682; div. 1694)

  • George Ii, Rex of Cracking United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
  • Sophia Dorothea, Queen in Prussia
George Louis (German language: Georg Ludwig)
Firm Hanover
Male parent Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover
Mother Sophia of the Palatinate
Religion Protestant[i]
Signature George I's signature

George I (George Louis; German: Georg Ludwig; 28 May 1660 – 11 June 1727)[a] was King of Slap-up Britain and Ireland from one August 1714 and ruler of the Duchy and Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) within the Holy Roman Empire from 23 Jan 1698 until his death in 1727. He was the get-go British monarch of the House of Hanover.

Built-in in Hanover to Ernest Augustus and Sophia of Hanover, George inherited the titles and lands of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg from his male parent and uncles. A succession of European wars expanded his German domains during his lifetime; he was ratified as prince-elector of Hanover in 1708. After the deaths in 1714 of his mother, and his second cousin Anne, Queen of Great Britain, George ascended the British throne as Anne's closest living Protestant relative nether the Deed of Settlement 1701. Jacobites attempted, but failed, to depose George and replace him with James Francis Edward Stuart, Anne's Cosmic half-brother.

During George's reign, the powers of the monarchy diminished and United kingdom began a transition to the modern system of chiffonier government led by a prime minister. Towards the terminate of his reign, bodily political power was held by Robert Walpole, now recognised as Britain's first de facto prime number government minister. George died of a stroke on a trip to his native Hanover, where he was buried. He is the most recent British monarch to exist buried exterior the Uk.

Early life [edit]

George was born on 28 May 1660 in the city of Hanover in the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg in the Holy Roman Empire.[b] He was the eldest son of Ernest Augustus, Knuckles of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and his wife, Sophia of the Palatinate. Sophia was the granddaughter of King James I of England through her mother, Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia.[3]

For the first year of his life, George was the only heir to the High german territories of his father and three childless uncles. George's brother, Frederick Augustus, was born in 1661, and the 2 boys (known as Görgen and Gustchen by the family unit) were brought upwardly together. Their mother was absent-minded for virtually a year (1664–1665) during a long ambulatory holiday in Italy, but corresponded regularly with her sons' governess and took a great interest in their upbringing, even more than and then upon her return.[4] Sophia bore Ernest Augustus another four sons and a daughter. In her messages, Sophia describes George as a responsible, conscientious child who set an case to his younger brothers and sisters.[v]

By 1675 George's eldest uncle had died without issue, but his remaining two uncles had married, putting George'south inheritance in jeopardy as his uncles' estates might laissez passer to their ain sons, should they have had any, instead of to George. George'due south father took him hunting and riding, and introduced him to military matters; mindful of his uncertain time to come, Ernest Augustus took the xv-year-onetime George on campaign in the Franco-Dutch War with the deliberate purpose of testing and training his son in battle.[vi]

In 1679 some other uncle died unexpectedly without sons, and Ernest Augustus became reigning Duke of Calenberg-Göttingen, with his capital at Hanover. George's surviving uncle, George William of Celle, had married his mistress in guild to legitimise his simply daughter, Sophia Dorothea, simply looked unlikely to take whatever further children. Under Salic law, where inheritance of territory was restricted to the male person line, the succession of George and his brothers to the territories of their father and uncle now seemed secure. In 1682, the family agreed to prefer the principle of primogeniture, meaning George would inherit all the territory and non have to share information technology with his brothers.[7]

Union [edit]

George in 1680, aged 20, when he was Prince of Hanover. Afterwards a painting past Sir Godfrey Kneller.

The aforementioned year, George married his beginning cousin, Sophia Dorothea of Celle, thereby securing additional incomes that would have been outside Salic laws. The matrimony of state was arranged primarily every bit it ensured a salubrious annual income and assisted the eventual unification of Hanover and Celle. His female parent at offset opposed the marriage because she looked downward on Sophia Dorothea's mother, Eleonore (who came from lower nobility), and because she was concerned by Sophia Dorothea's legitimated status. She was somewhen won over past the advantages inherent in the marriage.[8]

In 1683 George and his brother Frederick Augustus served in the Great Turkish War at the Battle of Vienna, and Sophia Dorothea diameter George a son, George Augustus. The following year, Frederick Augustus was informed of the adoption of primogeniture, meaning he would no longer receive part of his father's territory as he had expected. This led to a breach between Frederick Augustus and his male parent, and between the brothers, that lasted until his death in battle in 1690. With the imminent formation of a single Hanoverian state, and the Hanoverians' continuing contributions to the Empire'south wars, Ernest Augustus was made an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire in 1692. George's prospects were at present better than ever as the sole heir to his father'due south electorate and his uncle's duchy.[nine]

Sophia Dorothea had a second child, a daughter named later on her, in 1687, but at that place were no other pregnancies. The couple became estranged—George preferred the company of his mistress, Melusine von der Schulenburg, and Sophia Dorothea had her own romance with the Swedish Count Philip Christoph von Königsmarck. Threatened with the scandal of an elopement, the Hanoverian courtroom, including George's brothers and mother, urged the lovers to desist, but to no avail. Co-ordinate to diplomatic sources from Hanover'south enemies, in July 1694 the Swedish count was killed, perchance with George's connivance, and his body thrown into the river Leine weighted with stones. The murder was claimed to have been committed by four of Ernest Augustus's courtiers, one of whom, Don Nicolò Montalbano, was paid the enormous sum of 150,000 thalers, about 1 hundred times the almanac salary of the highest-paid government minister.[10] Later rumours supposed that Königsmarck was hacked to pieces and buried beneath the Hanover palace floorboards.[11] However, sources in Hanover itself, including Sophia, denied any noesis of Königsmarck's whereabouts.[x]

George'south marriage to Sophia Dorothea was dissolved, not on the grounds that either of them had committed infidelity, just on the grounds that Sophia Dorothea had abandoned her married man. With her father'south agreement, George had Sophia Dorothea imprisoned in Ahlden Business firm in her native Celle, where she stayed until she died more 30 years afterward. She was denied access to her children and male parent, forbidden to remarry and only allowed to walk unaccompanied within the mansion courtyard. She was, all the same, endowed with an income, establishment, and servants, and allowed to ride in a carriage outside her castle under supervision.[12] Melusine von der Schulenburg acted as George's hostess openly from 1698 until his death, and they had 3 daughters together, born in 1692, 1693 and 1701.[thirteen]

Electoral reign [edit]

Ernest Augustus died on 23 January 1698, leaving all of his territories to George with the exception of the Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück, an office he had held since 1661.[c] George thus became Knuckles of Brunswick-Lüneburg (also known as Hanover, later its capital) as well every bit Archbannerbearer and a Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.[14] His court in Hanover was graced by many cultural icons such as the mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Leibniz and the composers George Frideric Händel and Agostino Steffani.

Shortly after George's accession to his paternal duchy, Prince William, Duke of Gloucester, who was 2nd-in-line to the English language and Scottish thrones, died. Past the terms of the English Human activity of Settlement 1701, George's mother, Sophia, was designated as the heir to the English throne if the then reigning monarch, William 3, and his sister-in-law, Anne, died without surviving issue. The succession was so designed because Sophia was the closest Protestant relative of the British royal family. Fifty-six Catholics with superior hereditary claims were bypassed.[15] The likelihood of any of them converting to Protestantism for the sake of the succession was remote; some had already refused.[16]

In August 1701 George was invested with the Guild of the Garter and, within half-dozen weeks, the nearest Catholic claimant to the thrones, the old male monarch James Two, died. William Iii died the post-obit March and was succeeded past Anne. Sophia became heiress presumptive to the new Queen of England. Sophia was in her seventy-first year, thirty-v years older than Anne, merely she was very fit and salubrious and invested fourth dimension and energy in securing the succession either for herself or for her son.[17] Yet, it was George who understood the complexities of English politics and ramble law, which required further acts in 1705 to naturalise Sophia and her heirs as English subjects, and to detail arrangements for the transfer of power through a Regency Council.[eighteen] In the same year, George's surviving uncle died and he inherited farther German language dominions: the Principality of Lüneburg-Grubenhagen, centred at Celle.[19]

Shortly after George's accession in Hanover, the War of the Spanish Succession bankrupt out. At issue was the right of Philip, the grandson of King Louis 14 of France, to succeed to the Castilian throne nether the terms of King Charles II of Spain'due south volition. The Holy Roman Empire, the United Dutch Provinces, England, Hanover and many other German states opposed Philip'southward correct to succeed considering they feared that the French House of Bourbon would become too powerful if it also controlled Spain. Equally role of the war endeavor, George invaded his neighbouring state, Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, which was pro-French, writing out some of the battle orders himself. The invasion succeeded with few lives lost. As a advantage, the prior Hanoverian annexation of the Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg past George's uncle was recognised past the British and Dutch.[20]

In 1706 the Elector of Bavaria was deprived of his offices and titles for siding with Louis against the Empire. The following year, George was invested as an Royal Field Marshal with command of the imperial army stationed along the Rhine. His tenure was non birthday successful, partly because he was deceived by his marry, the Duke of Marlborough, into a diversionary attack, and partly because Emperor Joseph I appropriated the funds necessary for George'due south entrada for his own utilize. Despite this, the German princes idea he had acquitted himself well. In 1708 they formally confirmed George's position every bit a Prince-Elector in recognition of, or because of, his service. George did non hold Marlborough'due south deportment against him; he understood they were part of a plan to lure French forces away from the principal set on.[21]

In 1709 George resigned as field marshal, never to go on active service over again. In 1710 he was granted the dignity of Curvation-Treasurer of the Empire,[22] an function formerly held by the Elector Palatine; the absenteeism of the Elector of Bavaria allowed a reshuffling of offices.[23] The emperor's death in 1711 threatened to destroy the residual of power in the opposite direction, then the war ended in 1713 with the ratification of the Treaty of Utrecht. Philip was allowed to succeed to the Castilian throne but removed from the French line of succession, and the Elector of Bavaria was restored.

Accession in Great Uk and Ireland [edit]

Though both England and Scotland recognised Anne as their queen, only the Parliament of England had settled on Sophia, Electress of Hanover, equally the heir presumptive. The Parliament of Scotland (the Estates) had not formally settled the succession question for the Scottish throne. In 1703, the Estates passed a nib declaring that their option for Queen Anne's successor would not exist the same private as the successor to the English throne, unless England granted full freedom of trade to Scottish merchants in England and its colonies. At first Purple Assent was withheld, merely the following year Anne capitulated to the wishes of the Estates and assent was granted to the bill, which became the Act of Security 1704. In response the English language Parliament passed the Alien Act 1705, which threatened to restrict Anglo-Scottish trade and cripple the Scottish economy if the Estates did non agree to the Hanoverian succession.[24] Eventually, in 1707, both Parliaments agreed on a Treaty of Union, which united England and Scotland into a single political entity, the Kingdom of Bang-up Britain, and established the rules of succession as laid down past the Act of Settlement 1701.[25] The union created the largest complimentary merchandise area in 18th-century Europe.[26]

Whig politicians believed Parliament had the right to decide the succession, and to bequeath it on the nearest Protestant relative of the Queen, while many Tories were more than inclined to believe in the hereditary correct of the Catholic Stuarts, who were nearer relations. In 1710, George announced that he would succeed in Uk past hereditary correct, as the right had been removed from the Stuarts, and he retained information technology. "This proclamation was meant to scotch whatever Whig interpretation that parliament had given him the kingdom [and] ... convince the Tories that he was no usurper."[27]

George'due south mother, the Electress Sophia, died on 28 May 1714[d] at the age of 83. She had collapsed in the gardens at Herrenhausen subsequently rushing to shelter from a shower of rain. George was now Queen Anne'southward heir presumptive. He swiftly revised the membership of the Regency Council that would take power after Anne's death, as it was known that Anne's health was declining and politicians in United kingdom were jostling for power.[28] She suffered a stroke, which left her unable to speak, and died on i Baronial 1714. The list of regents was opened, the members sworn in, and George was proclaimed Rex of Great Britain and King of Ireland.[29] Partly due to reverse winds, which kept him in The Hague pending passage,[30] he did not get in in Britain until 18 September. George was crowned at Westminster Abbey on 20 October.[iii] His coronation was accompanied by rioting in over 20 towns in England.[31]

George mainly lived in Slap-up Uk after 1714, though he visited his abode in Hanover in 1716, 1719, 1720, 1723 and 1725;[32] in total George spent nearly one 5th of his reign as king in Frg.[33] A clause in the Act of Settlement that forbade the British monarch from leaving the country without Parliament's permission was unanimously repealed in 1716.[34] During all but the showtime of the rex's absences power was vested in a Regency Quango rather than in his son, George Augustus, Prince of Wales.[35]

Wars and rebellions [edit]

Within a year of George'due south accession the Whigs won an overwhelming victory in the general election of 1715. Several members of the defeated Tory Party sympathised with the Jacobites, who sought to supercede George with Anne's Catholic half-brother, James Francis Edward Stuart (chosen "James III and VIII" past his supporters and "the Pretender" by his opponents). Some disgruntled Tories sided with a Jacobite rebellion, which became known as "The 15". James's supporters, led by Lord Mar, an embittered Scottish nobleman who had previously served equally a secretarial assistant of state, instigated rebellion in Scotland where support for Jacobitism was stronger than in England. "The Fifteen", nonetheless, was a dismal failure; Lord Mar's boxing plans were poor, and James arrived late with too fiddling money and too few artillery. By the end of the year the rebellion had all but collapsed. In Feb 1716, facing defeat, James and Lord Mar fled to France. After the rebellion was defeated, although there were some executions and forfeitures, George acted to moderate the Government'due south response, showed leniency, and spent the income from the forfeited estates on schools for Scotland and paying off part of the national debt.[36]

George's distrust of the Tories aided the passing of power to the Whigs.[37] Whig dominance grew to be so corking under George that the Tories did non return to ability for another one-half-century. After the election, the Whig-dominated Parliament passed the Septennial Human action 1715, which extended the maximum duration of Parliament to seven years (although it could exist dissolved before past the Sovereign).[38] Thus Whigs already in power could remain in such a position for a greater menstruum of time.[39]

After his accession in Great Uk, George's relationship with his son (which had always been poor) worsened. George Augustus, Prince of Wales, encouraged opposition to his father's policies, including measures designed to increase religious liberty in Britain and aggrandize Hanover'south German territories at Sweden's expense.[40] In 1717 the nascence of a grandson led to a major quarrel between George and the Prince of Wales. The king, supposedly following custom, appointed the Lord Chamberlain (Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Knuckles of Newcastle) equally one of the baptismal sponsors of the child. The male monarch was angered when the Prince of Wales, disliking Newcastle, verbally insulted the Duke at the christening, which the Duke misunderstood equally a challenge to a duel. The Prince was told to go out the royal residence, St. James'due south Palace.[41] The Prince'southward new home, Leicester House, became a meeting place for the king'due south political opponents.[42] The king and his son were later reconciled at the insistence of Robert Walpole and the desire of the Princess of Wales, who had moved out with her husband but missed her children, who had been left in the male monarch's care. All the same father and son were never again on cordial terms.[43]

George was active in directing British foreign policy during his early reign. In 1717 he contributed to the cosmos of the Triple Alliance, an anti-Castilian league composed of Slap-up Uk, France and the Dutch Republic. In 1718 the Holy Roman Empire was added to the body, which became known every bit the Quadruple Alliance. The subsequent State of war of the Quadruple Alliance involved the same consequence equally the War of the Spanish Succession. The 1713 Treaty of Utrecht had recognised the grandson of Louis Xiv of France, Philip Five, as king of Spain on the condition that he gave upward his rights to succeed to the French throne. But upon Louis XIV's 1715 expiry, Philip sought to overturn the treaty.

Spain supported a Jacobite-led invasion of Scotland in 1719, just stormy seas allowed only virtually three hundred Spanish troops to reach Scotland.[44] A base of operations was established at Eilean Donan Castle on the west Scottish coast in April, only to exist destroyed by British ships a month later.[45] Jacobite attempts to recruit Scottish clansmen yielded a fighting strength of only most a k men. The Jacobites were poorly equipped and were easily defeated by British artillery at the Battle of Glen Shiel.[46] The clansmen dispersed into the Highlands, and the Spaniards surrendered. The invasion never posed whatever serious threat to George'due south government. With the French at present fighting confronting him, Philip'due south armies fared poorly. As a effect, the Spanish and French thrones remained separate. Simultaneously, Hanover gained from the resolution of the Slap-up Northern War, which had been caused past rivalry betwixt Sweden and Russia for control of the Baltic. The Swedish territories of Bremen and Verden were ceded to Hanover in 1719, with Hanover paying Sweden monetary compensation for the loss of territory.[47]

Ministries [edit]

A 1714 silver medallion from the reign of George I, referring to his accession in Great britain. The Saxon Steed runs from Hanover to U.k..

A 1718 quarter-republic of guinea coin from the reign of George I, showing him in profile

In Hanover, the king was an absolute monarch. All regime expenditure above 50 thalers (betwixt 12 and 13 British pounds), and the appointment of all army officers, all ministers, and even government officials in a higher place the level of copyist, was in his personal control. Past contrast in Great United kingdom, George had to govern through Parliament.[48]

In 1715 when the Whigs came to power, George's chief ministers included Sir Robert Walpole, Lord Townshend (Walpole'due south brother-in-law), Lord Stanhope and Lord Sunderland. In 1717 Townshend was dismissed, and Walpole resigned from the Cabinet over disagreements with their colleagues;[49] Stanhope became supreme in foreign diplomacy, and Sunderland the same in domestic matters.[50]

Lord Sunderland'south power began to wane in 1719. He introduced a Peerage Bill that attempted to limit the size of the House of Lords by restricting new creations. The measure would accept solidified Sunderland'southward control of the House by preventing the creation of opposition peers, simply information technology was defeated after Walpole led the opposition to the neb by delivering what was considered "the most brilliant speech of his career".[51] Walpole and Townshend were reappointed as ministers the following year and a new, supposedly unified, Whig government formed.[51]

Greater problems arose over financial speculation and the management of the national debt. Certain authorities bonds could not be redeemed without the consent of the bondholder and had been issued when involvement rates were high; consequently each bail represented a long-term drain on public finances, equally bonds were hardly ever redeemed.[52] In 1719 the Due south Bounding main Company proposed to take over £31 million (three fifths) of the British national debt by exchanging government securities for stock in the company.[53] The Company bribed Lord Sunderland, George'south mistress Melusine von der Schulenburg, and Lord Stanhope's cousin, Secretary of the Treasury Charles Stanhope, to support their plan.[54] The Company enticed bondholders to convert their high-involvement, irredeemable bonds to low-interest, easily tradeable stocks by offering apparently preferential financial gains.[55] Visitor prices rose speedily; the shares had cost £128 on 1 January 1720,[56] simply were valued at £500 when the conversion scheme opened in May.[57] On 24 June the price reached a peak of £1,050.[58] The visitor's success led to the speculative flotation of other companies, some of a bogus nature,[59] and the Government, in an attempt to suppress these schemes and with the support of the Company, passed the Bubble Human activity.[sixty] With the ascent in the marketplace at present halted,[61] uncontrolled selling began in August, which acquired the stock to collapse to £150 past the end of September. Many individuals—including aristocrats—lost vast sums and some were completely ruined.[62] George, who had been in Hanover since June, returned to London in November—sooner than he wanted or was usual—at the asking of the ministry.[63]

The economic crunch, known equally the South Sea Bubble, made George and his ministers extremely unpopular.[64] In 1721 Lord Stanhope, though personally innocent,[65] [66] collapsed and died after a stressful argue in the Firm of Lords, and Lord Sunderland resigned from public role.

Sunderland, yet, retained a caste of personal influence with George until his sudden death in 1722 immune the ascension of Sir Robert Walpole. Walpole became de facto Prime Minister, although the title was not formally applied to him (officially, he was First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer). His management of the Southward Bounding main crisis, past rescheduling the debts and arranging some compensation, helped the render to fiscal stability.[67] Through Walpole's practiced management of Parliament, George managed to avoid straight implication in the Visitor'southward fraudulent actions.[68] Claims that George had received free stock as a bribe[69] are not supported by show; indeed receipts in the Royal Athenaeum prove that he paid for his subscriptions and that he lost coin in the crash.[lxx]

Afterward years [edit]

1720s portrait of George by Georg Wilhelm Lafontaine

Equally requested by Walpole, George revived the Order of the Bath in 1725, which enabled Walpole to reward or gain political supporters by offering them the award.[71] Walpole became extremely powerful and was largely able to appoint ministers of his own choosing. Unlike his predecessor, Queen Anne, George rarely attended meetings of the cabinet; most of his communications were in private, and he only exercised substantial influence with respect to British foreign policy. With the assistance of Lord Townshend, he bundled for the ratification past Great United kingdom, France and Prussia of the Treaty of Hanover, which was designed to counterbalance the Austro-Spanish Treaty of Vienna and protect British trade.[72]

George, although increasingly reliant on Walpole, could notwithstanding have replaced his ministers at will. Walpole was actually afraid of being removed from function towards the cease of George I'south reign,[73] only such fears were put to an end when George died during his sixth trip to his native Hanover since his accession every bit king. He suffered a stroke on the route between Delden and Nordhorn on 9 June 1727,[74] and was taken by carriage to the Prince-Bishop's palace at Osnabrück[east] where he died in the early hours earlier dawn on xi June 1727.[f] George I was buried in the chapel of Leine Palace in Hanover, simply his remains were moved to the chapel at Herrenhausen Gardens afterward Globe War II.[3] Leine Palace had burnt out entirely after British aerial bombings and the rex's remains, along with his parents', were moved to the 19th-century mausoleum of King Ernest Augustus in the Berggarten.[75]

George was succeeded past his son, George Augustus, who took the throne as George II. It was widely causeless, fifty-fifty by Walpole for a time, that George II planned to remove Walpole from office but was dissuaded from doing so by his married woman, Caroline of Ansbach. However, Walpole commanded a substantial majority in Parliament and George II had little choice only to retain him or risk ministerial instability.[76]

Legacy [edit]

George was ridiculed by his British subjects;[77] some of his contemporaries, such as Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, thought him unintelligent on the grounds that he was wooden in public.[78] Though he was unpopular in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland due to his supposed inability to speak English language, such an disability may non accept existed later in his reign as documents from that fourth dimension testify that he understood, spoke and wrote English.[79] He certainly spoke fluent German and French, good Latin, and some Italian and Dutch.[33] His handling of his wife, Sophia Dorothea, became something of a scandal.[80] His Lutheran faith, his overseeing both the Lutheran churches in Hanover and the Church of England, and the presence of Lutheran preachers in his court acquired some consternation amongst his Anglican subjects.[81]

The British perceived George as as well German, and in the opinion of historian Ragnhild Hatton, wrongly assumed that he had a succession of German mistresses.[82] Notwithstanding, in mainland Europe, he was seen as a progressive ruler supportive of the Enlightenment who permitted his critics to publish without chance of severe censorship, and provided sanctuary to Voltaire when the philosopher was exiled from Paris in 1726.[77] European and British sources agree that George was reserved, temperate and financially prudent;[33] he disliked being in the public light at social events, avoided the royal box at the opera and oftentimes travelled incognito to the homes of friends to play cards.[34] Despite some unpopularity, the Protestant George I was seen by nigh of his subjects as a amend alternative to the Roman Catholic pretender James. William Makepeace Thackeray indicates such ambivalent feelings as he wrote:

His heart was in Hanover ... He was more fifty years of historic period when he came amongst us: we took him considering we wanted him, because he served our plow; we laughed at his uncouth German ways, and sneered at him. He took our loyalty for what it was worth; laid hands on what money he could; kept us assuredly from Popery ... I, for one, would take been on his side in those days. Cynical and selfish, every bit he was, he was ameliorate than a king out of St. Germains [James, the Stuart Pretender] with the French king'due south orders in his pocket, and a swarm of Jesuits in his railroad train.[83]

Writers of the nineteenth century, such as Thackeray, Sir Walter Scott and Lord Mahon, were reliant on biased offset-hand accounts published in the previous century such as Lord Hervey'due south memoirs, and looked back on the Jacobite cause with romantic, even sympathetic, eyes. They in turn, influenced British authors of the first one-half of the twentieth century such every bit G. Thou. Chesterton, who introduced further anti-German and anti-Protestant bias into the interpretation of George'southward reign. Still, in the wake of World War II continental European archives were opened to historians of the later twentieth century and nationalistic anti-High german feeling subsided. George'due south life and reign were re-explored past scholars such as Beattie and Hatton, and his character, abilities and motives re-assessed in a more generous light.[84] John H. Plumb noted that:

Some historians accept exaggerated the king'due south indifference to English affairs and made his ignorance of the English seem more important than information technology was. He had footling difficulty in communicating with his ministers in French, and his interest in all matters affecting both foreign policy and the courtroom was profound.[85]

Yet the character of George I remains elusive; he was in turn genial and affectionate in individual messages to his daughter, and so dull and awkward in public. Perhaps his own mother summed him up when "explaining to those who regarded him equally common cold and overserious that he could be jolly, that he took things to heart, that he felt deeply and sincerely and was more sensitive than he cared to bear witness."[5] Whatever his truthful character, he ascended a precarious throne, and either by political wisdom and guile, or through accident and indifference, he left information technology secure in the hands of the Hanoverians and of Parliament.[33]

Titles, styles and arms [edit]

Titles and styles [edit]

  • 28 May 1660 – 18 December 1679: His Highness Duke George Louis of Brunswick-Lüneburg
  • 18 December 1679 – Oct 1692: His Highness The Hereditary Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg
  • Oct 1692 – 23 January 1698: His Serene Highness The Balloter Prince of Hanover
  • 23 Jan 1698 – 1 August 1714: His Nearly Serene Highness George Louis, Archbannerbearer of the Holy Roman Empire and Prince-Elector, Knuckles of Brunswick-Lüneburg
  • 1 August 1714 – 11 June 1727: His Majesty The Rex of Great Great britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Knuckles of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Archtreasurer and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire

Artillery [edit]

Every bit King his arms were: Quarterly, I, Gules three lions passant guardant in pale Or (for England) impaling Or a lion rampant within a tressure flory-counter-flory Gules (for Scotland); 2, Azure three fleurs-de-lis Or (for France); III, Azure a harp Or stringed Argent (for Ireland); Four, tierced per stake and per chevron (for Hanover), I Gules 2 lions passant guardant Or (for Brunswick), II Or a semy of hearts Gules a panthera leo rampant Azure (for Lüneburg), Three Gules a horse courant Argent (for Westphalia), overall an escutcheon Gules charged with the crown of Charlemagne Or (for the nobility of Archtreasurer of the Holy Roman Empire).[86] [87] [88]

Coat of Arms of George I Louis, Elector of Hanover (1698-1708).svg

Coat of Arms of George I Louis, Elector of Hanover (1708-1714).svg

Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg

Arms of George I Louis as Elector-Designate of Hanover 1689–1708 Artillery of George I Louis as Elector of Hanover 1708–1714 Glaze of Arms of George I as King of United kingdom 1714–1727

Issue and mistresses [edit]

Effect [edit]

Name Nascency Decease Matrimony
By his wife, Sophia Dorothea of Celle:
George II of Great Britain 9 November 1683 25 October 1760 Married 1705 Caroline of Ansbach; had consequence
Sophia Dorothea of Hanover 26 March 1687 28 June 1757 Married 1706 Frederick William, Margrave of Brandenburg (later Frederick William I of Prussia); had issue
By his mistress, Melusine von der Schulenburg:
(Anna) Louise Sophia von der Schulenburg January 1692 1773 Married 1707 Ernst Baronial Philipp von dem Bussche-Ippenburg (divorced before 1714);[89]
created Countess of Delitz past Charles Vi, Holy Roman Emperor, in 1722[13]
(Petronilla) Melusina von der Schulenburg 1693 1778 Created Countess of Walsingham for life; married 1733 Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield; no issue[90]
Margarethe Gertrud von Oeynhausen 1701 1726 Married 1722 Albrecht Wolfgang, Count of Schaumburg-Lippe[13]
Dates in this table are New Style.

Mistresses [edit]

In addition to Melusine von der Schulenburg, three other women were said to be George'due south mistresses:[91] [92]

  1. Leonora von Meyseburg-Züschen, widow of a Chamberlain at the court of Hanover, and secondly married to Lieutenant-General de Weyhe. Leonore was the sister of Clara Elisabeth von Meyseburg-Züschen, Countess von Platen, who was the mistress of George I's begetter, Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover.[92]
  2. Sophia Charlotte von Platen, subsequently Countess of Darlington (1673 – 20 Apr 1725), shown past Ragnhild Hatton in 1978 to have been George's half-sister and not his mistress.[82]
  3. Baroness Sophie Caroline Eva Antoinette von Offeln (2 November 1669 – 23 Jan 1726),[91] known as the "Young Countess von Platen", she married Count Ernst August von Platen, the brother of Sophia Charlotte, in 1697.[92]

Family unit tree [edit]

Family of George I of Great britain
James VI and I Anne
of Denmark
Charles I
of England
Elizabeth Stuart,
Queen of Bohemia
Frederick V
of the Palatinate
Duke of Brunswick-Calenberg
Anna Eleonore
of Hesse-Darmstadt
Princess Royal
Charles II
of England
James II
of England
of Hanover
Ernest Augustus,
Elector of Hanover
George William,
Knuckles of Brunswick-Lüneburg
William III
of England
Mary Two
of England
Queen of Keen Britain
James Francis Edward Stuart George I
of Uk
Sophia Dorothea
of Celle
Prince William,
Duke of Gloucester
George Two
of Cracking United kingdom
Sophia Dorothea
of Hanover

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d Throughout George's life, Britain used the Old Style Julian calendar. Hanover adopted the New Way Gregorian calendar on one March 1700 (N.S.) / 19 February 1700 (O.South.). Erstwhile Style is used for dates in this article unless otherwise indicated; notwithstanding, years are assumed to showtime from 1 January and not 25 March, which was the English New year's day.
  2. ^ The story that George I died in the same room as that in which he was built-in at Osnabrück (in, for instance, Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique of 1759) is contradicted by the Electress Sophia in her Memoiren der Herzogin Sophie nachmals Kurfürstin von Hannover (ed. A. Köcher, Leipzig, 1879, pp. 1 and 68) who says that her two eldest sons were born at Hanover, and by four notifications from Hanover to the courtroom at Wolfenbüttel preserved in the Wolfenbüttel country archives.[2]
  3. ^ The Prince-Bishopric was non an hereditary title; instead it alternated betwixt Protestant and Roman Catholic incumbents.
  4. ^ viii June in the New Style Gregorian calendar adopted by Hanover in 1700.
  5. ^ His younger brother, Ernest Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, was Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück from 1715 until 1728.
  6. ^ 22 June in the New Style Gregorian calendar adopted past Hanover in 1700.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Brunner, Daniel 50. (2006). "Anglican Perceptions of Lutheranism in Early Hanoverian England" (PDF). Lutheran Quarterly. Twenty: 63–82. George was a Lutheran in Hanover, a Presbyterian in Scotland and an Anglican in England
    • "The Hanoverians are here!". Historic Majestic Palaces. 2022. the monarch could only exist Anglican
    • "George I". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2022. all British monarchs must exist Protestants of the Church building of England
    • "Human activity of Settlement". The Regal Family. 2022. The Sovereign now had to swear to maintain the Church of England (and later 1707, the Church of Scotland)
  2. ^ Huberty, Michel; Giraud, Alain; Magdelaine, F. et B. (1981). L'Allemagne Dynastique, Tome III (in French). Le Perreux: Alain Giraud. p. 85. ISBN978-2-901138-03-7.
  3. ^ a b c Weir, Alison (1996). Britain's Majestic Families: The Consummate Genealogy, Revised edition. Random House. pp. 272–276. ISBN978-0-7126-7448-5.
  4. ^ Hatton, pp. 26–28.
  5. ^ a b Hatton, p. 29.
  6. ^ Hatton, p. 34.
  7. ^ Hatton, p. 30.
  8. ^ Hatton, pp. 36, 42.
  9. ^ Hatton, pp. 43–46.
  10. ^ a b Hatton, pp. 51–61.
  11. ^ Farquhar, Michael (2001). A Treasury of Royal Scandals . New York: Penguin Books. p. 152. ISBN978-0-7394-2025-6.
  12. ^ Hatton, pp. 60–64.
  13. ^ a b c Kilburn, Matthew (2004; online edition January 2008) "Schulenburg, (Ehrengard) Melusine von der, suo jure duchess of Kendal and suo jure duchess of Munster (1667–1743)", Oxford Lexicon of National Biography, Oxford Academy Press, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/24834 (subscription or United kingdom public library membership required)
  14. ^ Schemmel, B. "Hanover". . Retrieved 21 August 2007.
  15. ^ Schama, Simon (2001). A History of United kingdom – The British Wars 1603–1776. BBC Worldwide. p. 336. ISBN978-0-563-53747-ii.
  16. ^ Hatton, p. 74.
  17. ^ Hatton, pp. 75–76.
  18. ^ Hatton, pp. 77–78.
  19. ^ Hatton, p. 90.
  20. ^ Hatton, pp. 86–89.
  21. ^ Hatton, pp. 101–104, 122.
  22. ^ Hatton, p. 104.
  23. ^ Velde, François R. (26 September 2006). "Holy Roman Empire". Heraldica . Retrieved 20 Baronial 2007.
  24. ^ "Relations Worsen". Scotland 1689–1707. National Records of Scotland. Retrieved 12 October 2020.
  25. ^ Text of the Union with Scotland Act 1706 as in forcefulness today (including any amendments) inside the Britain, from
  26. ^ "The Treaty of Union". Scottish Parliament. Archived from the original on xviii May 2007. Retrieved 20 August 2007.
  27. ^ Hatton, p. 119.
  28. ^ Hatton, p. 108.
  29. ^ Hatton, p. 109.
  30. ^ Hatton, p. 123.
  31. ^ Monod, Paul Kleber (1993). Jacobitism and the English People, 1688–1788. Cambridge University Printing. pp. 173–178. ISBN978-0-521-44793-5.
  32. ^ Hatton, p. 158.
  33. ^ a b c d Gibbs, G. C. (September 2004; online edn, January 2006) "George I (1660–1727)", Oxford Lexicon of National Biography, Oxford University Printing, doi:ten.1093/ref:odnb/10538. Retrieved 30 July 2007 (subscription required).
  34. ^ a b Plumb, J. H. (1956). The Showtime Iv Georges .
  35. ^ "George I". Official spider web site of the British monarchy. 30 December 2015. Retrieved 18 April 2016.
  36. ^ Hatton, pp. 174–179.
  37. ^ Williams, pp. 151–152.
  38. ^ "Septennial Act 1715 (c.38)". Great britain Statute Law Database, Ministry building of Justice. Archived from the original on 30 September 2007. Retrieved twenty August 2007.
  39. ^ Lease, Owen C. (1950). "The Septennial Human activity of 1716". The Periodical of Modern History. 22: 42–47. doi:x.1086/237317. S2CID 143559342.
  40. ^ Hatton, pp. 199–202.
  41. ^ Hatton, pp. 207–208.
  42. ^ Dickinson, p. 49.
  43. ^ Arkell, R. L. (1937). "George I's Letters to His Daughter". The English Historical Review. 52: 492–499. doi:10.1093/ehr/LII.CCVII.492.
  44. ^ Hatton, p. 239.
  45. ^ Lenman, Bruce (1980). The Jacobite Risings in Britain 1689–1746. London: Eyre Methuen. pp. 192–193. ISBN978-0-413-39650-1.
  46. ^ Szechi, Daniel (1994). The Jacobites: Britain and Europe 1688–1788. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. pp. 109–110. ISBN978-0-7190-3774-0.
  47. ^ Hatton, p. 238.
  48. ^ Williams, pp. thirteen–14.
  49. ^ Dickinson, p. 49.
  50. ^ Carswell, p. 72.
  51. ^ a b Hatton, pp. 244–246.
  52. ^ Carswell, p. 103.
  53. ^ Carswell, p. 104; Hatton, p. 249 and Williams, p. 176.
  54. ^ Carswell, p. 115 and Hatton, p. 251.
  55. ^ Carswell, pp. 151–152; Dickinson, p. 58; and Hatton, p. 250.
  56. ^ Erleigh, p. 65.
  57. ^ Erleigh, p. 70.
  58. ^ Dickinson, p. 58; Erleigh, pp. 77, 104; and Hatton, p. 251.
  59. ^ Dickinson, p. 59 and Erleigh, pp. 72, 90–96.
  60. ^ Dickinson, p. 59 and Erleigh, pp. 99–100.
  61. ^ Dickinson, p. 59.
  62. ^ Erleigh, pp. 112–117.
  63. ^ Erleigh, p. 125 and Hatton, p. 254.
  64. ^ Erleigh, pp. 147–155 and Williams, p. 177.
  65. ^ Erleigh, p. 129; Hatton, p. 255 and Williams, p. 176.
  66. ^ Black, Walpole in Power, p. xx.
  67. ^ Black, Walpole in Ability, pp. 19–xx, and Dickinson, pp. 61–62.
  68. ^ Dickinson, p. 63.
  69. ^ due east.g. Blackness, Walpole in Power, pp. 19–20.
  70. ^ Hatton, pp. 251–253.
  71. ^ "Order of the Bath". Official website of the British monarchy. Archived from the original on 2 January 2012. Retrieved 7 September 2009.
  72. ^ Hatton, p. 274.
  73. ^ "George I" (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th edition. London: Cambridge University Press.
  74. ^ Hatton, p. 282.
  75. ^ Helmut Knocke, Hugo Thielen: Mausoleum in Hannover. Kunst- und Kultur-Lexikon, iv. Ed. 2007, p. 92.
  76. ^ Black, Walpole in Power, pp. 29–31, 53, and 61.
  77. ^ a b Hatton, p. 291.
  78. ^ Hatton, p. 172.
  79. ^ Hatton, p. 131.
  80. ^ Ashley, Mike (1998). The Mammoth Volume of British Kings and Queens. London: Robinson. p. 672. ISBN978-1-84119-096-9.
  81. ^ Lohrmann, Martin J. (12 January 2021). Stories from Global Lutheranism: A Historical Timeline. Fortress Press. ISBN978-1-5064-6458-ix . Retrieved 13 January 2022.
  82. ^ a b Hatton, pp. 132–136.
  83. ^ Thackeray, W. Grand. (1880) [1860]. The Iv Georges: Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. London: Smith, Elder. pp. 52–53.
  84. ^ Smith, pp. 3–nine.
  85. ^ Plumb, J. H. (1967). "George I". Collier's Encyclopedia. Vol. ten. p. 703.
  86. ^ Williams, p. 12.
  87. ^ Louda, Jiří; Maclagan, Michael (1999). Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe. London: Fiddling, Brown. p. 29. ISBN978-1-85605-469-0.
  88. ^ Pinches, John Harvey; Pinches, Rosemary (1974). The Royal Heraldry of England. Heraldry Today. Slough, Buckinghamshire: Hollen Street Press. p. 203. ISBN978-0-900455-25-iv.
  89. ^ Hatton, p. 411.
  90. ^ Cannon, John (2004; online edition September 2012) "Petronilla Melusina Stanhope, suo jure countess of Walsingham, and countess of Chesterfield (1693–1778)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford Academy Press, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/24835 (subscription or UK public library membership required)
  91. ^ a b Beaucaire, Charles-Prosper-Maurice Horric de (1884). Une mésalliance dans la maison de Brunswick (1665–1725): Eléonore Desmier d'Oldbreuze, duchesse de Zell (in French). H. Oudin. p. 128.
  92. ^ a b c Cokayne, George E. (1910). The complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant. Vol. seven. London: St Catherine Printing. pp. 111–112.

Sources [edit]

  • Black, Jeremy (2001). Walpole in Power. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing. ISBN978-0-7509-2523-5.
  • Carswell, John (1960). The South Sea Bubble. London: Cresset Press.
  • Dickinson, Harry T. (1973). Walpole and the Whig Supremacy. Introduced past A. L. Rowse. London: The English language Universities Press. ISBN978-0-340-11515-2.
  • Erleigh, Viscount (1933). The South Ocean Chimera. Manchester: Peter Davies Ltd.
  • Gibbs, G.C. (September 2004). "George I (1660–1727)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Printing. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/10538. (Subscription or United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland public library membership required.)
  • Hatton, Ragnhild (1978). George I: Elector and King. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN978-0-500-25060-0.
  • Plumb, J. H. (1956). The Showtime 4 Georges .
  • Smith, Hannah (2006). Georgian Monarchy: Politics and Culture, 1714–1760. Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-82876-5.
  • Williams, Basil (1962). The Whig Supremacy 1714–1760. Revised by C.H. Stuart (Second ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Further reading [edit]

  • Beattie, John M. (1966). "The Courtroom of George I and English Politics, 1717–1720". English Historical Review. 81 (318): 26–37. doi:10.1093/ehr/LXXXI.CCCXVIII.26. JSTOR 559897.
  • Beattie, John M. (1967). The English Court in the Reign of George I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Printing.
  • Black, Jeremy (2014). Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of George I, 1714–1727. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate. ISBN978-1-409-43140-four.
  • Bultmann, William A. (1966). "Early on Hanoverian England (1714–1760): Some Recent Writings". In Chapin Furber, Elizabeth (ed.). Changing views on British history: essays on historical writing since 1939 . Harvard University Press. pp. 181–205.
  • Ellis, Kenneth L. (1969). "The administrative connections between Britain and Hanover". Periodical of the Society of Archivists. 3 (10): 546–566. doi:ten.1080/00379816509513919.
  • Konigs, Philip (1993). The Hanoverian kings and their homeland: a written report of the Personal Union, 1714-1837.
  • Marlow, Joyce (1973). The life and times of George I. Introduction past Antonia Fraser. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. ISBN978-0-297-76592-nine.
  • Michael, Wolfgang (1936–1939). England nether George I (ii volumes). Translated/adjusted past Lewis Namier.

External links [edit]

  • Portraits of King George I at the National Portrait Gallery, London Edit this at Wikidata

George I of Great Britain

House of Hanover

Cadet branch of the House of Welf

Built-in: 28 May 1660 Died: 11 June 1727
Regnal titles
Preceded by

Ernest Augustus

Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Calenberg)
Elector-designate of Hanover

23 January 1698 – 28 August 1705
Inherited Brunswick-Lüneburg-Celle
Preceded past

as Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Calenberg)
George William

as Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Celle
Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Elector-designate of Hanover

28 August 1705 – 7 September 1708
Championship of elector recognised
New title Elector of Hanover
vii September 1708 – xi June 1727
Succeeded by

George II

Preceded by


King of Great United kingdom and Ireland
1 August 1714 – 11 June 1727


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